100% Money Back Guarantee
If you experience side effects that you feel are a consequence of taking the ThinkPharm Formula, we'll give you all your money back.
Nothing you put in your body comes at a risk of 0 side effects. We know that often when people take the capsules on an empty stomach (or a particularly light meal), they experience nausea. Usually this is resolved by taking the ThinkPharm Formula after your biggest meal of the day.
If you still experience nausea after taking the capsules on a full stomach, then we'll gladly give you your money back. This has only ever happened once.
Just let us know that was the reason and we will reimburse you.
We can make this guarantee because every time we ask for a review we also invite everyone to give feedback on the effects of the formula (similar to how a medicine is monitored after being released onto the market).
If you feel your health has worsened as a result of taking the ThinkPharm Formula or you have experienced some other type of side effect, then simply let us know and we'll give you your money back.
If you are requesting your money back because you can't see a difference in your health then the money back guarantee isn't as simple.
Most clinical trials of supplements will last for 3-4 months. So one should not expect to see changes before then; although some do notice a difference within 30 days.
Even then, it's quite common for people to not feel a difference when taking food supplements, so we can't give you your money back just because you didn't feel a difference. A lot of health promoting behaviours or supplements are still having a positive effect on our health even if you can't feel a difference.
The ThinkPharm Formula is designed to help maintain the health of various body systems and functions in the longer term.
You can see the design and science that informed our formulation in the short 3 minute articles we have written on our website.
If after taking our product for 4 months and reading all the science behind it, you think our product isn't worth it, then we'll give you all your money back.
If you have read all our articles and disagree with the scientific basis behind it, we will gladly give you your money back.
We make this guarantee because we have received great praise for the quality of our research by NHS trust executives and senior consultants. That's because we only use information from trusted and reputable scientific publications like the world's most influential scientific journal "Nature".
These types of publications are where doctors go to update their knowledge and academic researchers/professors go to do research on a particular topic.
We do not rely on hearsay from some internet health gurus.
Virtually every statement we make on our website is backed up by a scientific publication from academics and researchers.
When asking for the money back guarantee, please explain to us why you disagree with our science and we'll give you your money back.