How To Get The Nutrients That Shouldn't Be Supplemented
The ThinkPharm Formula doesn’t contain certain vitamins and minerals because they can be harmful in supplement form. The following pages are here to tell you what foods you could eat to get the remaining nutrients.
For more information about why we don’t include these nutrients in the ThinkPharm Formula see our previous articles.
Before we get into it, we want to tell you where we get our information from. You see, many people will say things like bananas are rich in potassium, but these are half-truths. When you look at the data, bananas aren’t that high in potassium. One medium sized banana (118grams) has 422mg of potassium in it. This is 12% of your daily requirement according to certain nutritional guidelines. This means you would need 8 bananas a day to get all your potassium for the day. There are plenty of other foods higher in potassium. Potatoes slightly higher in potassium at 407mg/100grams. Half an avocado (100g) has 487mg of potassium. The point is you don’t have to take a healthcare professional or health guru’s word for it. In the age of the internet, you can look these things up easily. Just type into google “Potassium content of a banana”. A particularly good and reliable site is the U.S. Department of agriculture website ( This website and are the resources we used to get most of the data found in this article. is a more user-friendly website which takes its data from the USDA website. even has a convenient nutrient search tool to see foods highest in certain nutrients but the site doesn’t always work. So, here’s how to use the USDA website:
To find the nutritional data for the food you’re after, type in the food you’re after. Instead of writing “potato” help the search engine narrow it down and put “potato raw”, otherwise you will get a lot of results including the vast array of potato based food products like crisps. Press enter, then click on "SR legacy food" and scroll down to the correct item. Now you have been safeguarded against people taking advantage of your lack of nutrition knowledge.
So here’s the list of nutrients not found in the ThinkPharm Formula. Click on the hyperlinks to be taken to the pages that elaborate on each one:
Vitamins that are in the ThinkPharm Formula but that you may have to focus on getting more of:
Disclaimer: Food supplements are intended to correct nutritional deficiencies, maintain an adequate intake of certain nutrients, or to support specific physiological functions. The ThinkPharm Formula (or any other food supplement) is not a medicine and therefore cannot and does not claim to treat or prevent disease. All content on this website is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. None of the scientific studies quoted on this website qualify as proof or implication that ThinkPharm Health's supplements treat or prevent disease. Findings of scientific studies do not always represent reality. It is always difficult for scientific studies to reach accurate conclusions regarding nutrition and its relationship to diseases. Please consult your healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet and lifestyle. ThinkPharm Health is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting on information from this website.